Thursday, November 10, 2011

A new twist on student-centred learning

This week I'm feeling very smug, as the course seems to be going well and we're getting good feedback. There has however been one particular development that I think is well beyond what you'd expect to see on a level 1 introductory course. The students have been fantastic with helping one another and got into the spirit of student-centred peer learning: An active enquiry into a subject with support where it's needed and plenty of room to learn through shared discovery.

We've shaped some opportunities to get them thinking about giving others opportunities to learn through tasks and an EMA option that relate to making tutorials in their own right on subjects they choose. However they're going well beyond that now, and we've seen some great examples of spontaneous tutorials being posted outside of all that, specifically made for other students on the course. Hence the smugness, and I'd like to share 3 examples with you here. The first two are quite technical and relate to specific enquiries that were posted in the forums:

These are interesting in their own right, and a great example of the 'hero' spirit that's developed.
The third though, is different and a I think if anything more special: A tutorial about film-making that one of the students made for herself, and which she then shared with everyone else:

1 comment:

  1. Love the bear tutorial. Draw a hearty laugh out of me, but makes its point very clearly. Delighted that everyone seems to be getting a lot out of the course. I look forward to taking it (when my line managers allow...) Joe
