Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Open access media available

John Sinton has been working away to get the course tutorials available across the various channels the OU uses.

So as well as on a playlist on OULearn's YouTube

We're also on iTunesU -

Next stop, I'd quite like to talk to Vimeo.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

...and we're live

The first students logged in today.  It's a big moment after years of pushing the project and then 9 months of actually building the site.  I'm so grateful to the LTS team who've been plugging away at it over the summer.  Everything is looking fab and now it's being used.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

OpenStudio's ready

After more than a year of dreaming about and months of going back and forth with the LTS team, OpenStudio is pretty much in it's final form, and it's great.

I think this is where some of the best learning will happen on the course as students learn to look for things themselves.  The engine for rewarding this is getting feedback from one another about what's useful or interesting, and it all happens in the same space as where the students put their own work.

The interface is looking fab too: