Saturday, October 1, 2011

Moderating the forums

I'm more than a week into my new role as a moderator (having been a student, lecturer and tutor), and it's been fantastic to see the first cohort of students begin to explore the material and to post to the forums.

We've set up 2 forums:

The first is the film-makers forum, which is for posting queries and discussions about the course.  We've been quite interventionist to start with, because it's important to show the forums can be useful, but we've tried not to answer everything straight away.  Good questions are just as important, and we're here to facilitate good discussion rather than dominate it.  I'm still learning the ropes a bit with this especially as it's easy to be enthusiastic about the whole thing, but the experiences the students have to draw on between them should cover a lot of ground.  For example, there's been a cracking discussion of DSLRs and I've been very pleased with the tone and level of the forums compared to some of the courses I've worked on in the past.

Second is the social forum, which really belongs to the students to do whatever they want with.  Our formal role there is stamp out flame wars (even at the OU they can take off) and keep an eye out for things that can enrich the film-maker's forum. In practice there's been a lot of crossover and we might need to do a little work to separate things out a bit. One of the benefits of having all the things that people can learn film-making from in the film-maker's forum is that it's searchable.  Already, there's some great stuff on using DSLRs, equipment and editing software, books and organisations.


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